Beginner Guide to Software Testing

2 min readMay 25, 2023


Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Why Software Testing? Well, Software testing is crucial as it helps identify and rectify defects or errors, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products and enhancing user satisfaction.

Types of testing:

1. Unit — Performed at build time on code / an artifact without external dependencies or deployment.

Tools used:- JUnit, XUnit, Rspec.

2. UI (E2E testing) — Using app as end-user via front-end.

Tools used:- Selenium & Protractor.

3. Integration — Performed to test external dependencies/API.

Tools used:- Abao/RAML, Serverspec.

4. Security — Looks for flaws in code & runtime to prevent data loss in production.

Tools used:- Fortify, FindBugs, GauntLts.

5. Performance — Non-functional software testing to determine software quality on the basis of key metrics like stability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness of an application.

Tools used:- Kinsta APM, Apache JMeter, AppLoader.

Basic concepts to get started with software testing:

  1. Shift left terminology — Move testing to the earlier phases in the development process, this approach is taken for compliance-critical projects.
  2. Test fixture — Set of required objects to run tests in a well-known environment.
  3. System under test (SUT) — The system under test, as opposed to other systems it may interact with, but which are not being explicitly tested. Example:- Testing Ruby on Rails Application on Heroku
  4. Cycle time — Time taken for developing from start to delivery.
  5. Lead time — Time taken to resolve issues before moving to production.
  6. Mock class — Code containing external dependencies designed to enable unit tests.

Testing philosophies:

Test-driven Development (TDD)
Writing failing tests first, and then the code that causes the test to pass.
Behaviour-driven Development (BDD)
Mostly includes producing system documentation that is automatically
checked against the system’s behaviour. Cucumber tool is used.
Acceptance Test-driven Development (ATDD)
Practice of acceptance tests before development to set delivery expectations
for the project.

Big 3 testing Metrics:

  • Cycle time
  • Velocity
  • Customer satisfaction

Top Industry picks!!

  • GoConvey is a tool for performing Unit testing of Golang based-apps.
  • For deployment use Configuration Management Systems like Chef / Puppet.
  • For OrchestrationAnsible
  • Source pulls or build systems like bamboo or by AWS Serverless services like Fargate/ EKS or Docker.
  • Robot Framework for UI Testing.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing — GauntLt.
  • retire.js to checks all JS version & upgrades >> npm install -g retire
#Please feel free to share your tips  & Choice of tools in Comments section ;-)

